Jasmine's Story

Created by naomi 15 years ago
We first discovered that Jasmine was beginning her life when she was around 8 weeks old inside my tummy. She was long awaited and we were very excited! I began to feel lots of little flutters early on and by the time our 20 week scan arrived, she was extremely wriggly and some nice big movements were being felt. I loved to lay in bed and feel her wriggling around, it was like she knew I was holding her as she would roll around and push her foot out into my hand. On the 5th October, I noticed that she hadn't been her usual wriggly self as I got into bed and she didn't wriggle into her sleeping spot like she usually would. I waited until morning, made some toast, drank some sugary tea and still no wriggles. I tried drinking some fizzy drinks and laid on the sofa for a while but still nothing so I called the hospital. We arrived at the hospital truely thinking that she was just having a lazy day and feeling as though we were wasting the midwives time. I laid on the bed as the midwife placed a heartbeat monitor on my tummy to listen for Jasmine's heartbeat...a faint heartbeat was heard by us and we thought everything was ok until the midwife said that she'd need to do a scan as she couldn't find the heartbeat, we then realised it was mine that danny and I had been hearing. Still we didn't really worry, she assured us that the equipment isn't so great for tracing tiny babies heartbeats as it was designed for bigger babies. The doctor came to do the scan, I laid on the bed, Danny and I stared hard at the screen, suddenly our beautiful baby appeared, she looked perfect...but her heart was still...suddenly it dawned on us that our perfect little baby, shannons little sister, had passed away silently the day before. We were taken to have another scan to confirm what we already knew, our hearts were broken, all of ours. We all went home and danny let our family and friends know the devastating news. We returned to the hospital the next day so that I could take the medication which stopped the placenta from working so that the induction of labour would be easier. It felt strange taking the tablet, I was worried that the doctors had made a mistake and that by taking this tablet, I would be causing Jasmine harm. We waited a few days at home with our poor baby still inside my tummy. We returned to the hospital on the 9th October at 10.30am, spent alot of time in the "Hope Suite" and at around 3pm, we were taken downstairs to begin delivering Jasmine into the world. At 7.12pm, Jasmine was born in the company of her Mummy, Daddy, Nanny, Grumps and amazing midwife Joanne. Joanne cradled our still baby and took her to be dressed and have her hand and foot prints taken and some photo's for our memory book. She was brought back into the room and handed straight to her Daddy who was waiting with open arms to give Jasmine her first cuddle. She was so tiny and so perfect! She weighed 1lb 14oz and looked so much like her big sister! She had cuddles with her nanny and grumps and when we were ready, she came up to the Hope Suite where she was visited by her aunty RayRay. The Next day Jasmine had a blessing in the Hope suite which was very moving, she was surrounded by us all again. We had our first family cuddle just after and then we had to say goodbye. We then had to return home without our new baby which was very sad. She should have been there with us when her big sister arrived home from playschool, instead, it was just the two of us. Later that evening, we sat down with Jasmine's big sister and told her that Jasmine was born the day before and that she has chosen to become a star so that she can watch over us whilst we sleep. Shannon asked a lot of questions and we answered whilst showing her the photo's that were taken of Jasmine. The next day, danny and I went back to the hospital to visit Jasmine, we took her a blanket that my Nan had knitted for her and a photo of her family for her to take with her. I held my tiny baby in my arms for the first and last time on that day. She was so fragile and looked so peaceful. We spent a few hours with her just holding her and taking photo's knowing that it would be the last time we would have the chance to. We gave her as much love as we possibly could that day and watched silently as she was carried down the corridor away from us. I felt sad that I never got to hear her cry and that I never got to see the colour of my beautiful baby's eyes but comforted by the thought that she will never be hurt and will always be safe in our thoughts and in our hearts.